
Simulate Data

The function GenerateData() will simulate data from the model

$Z = UDV' + \epsilon,$

where $Z$ is a n (space) by m (time) matrix, $U$ is a $n \times k$ matrix, $V$ is a $m \times k$ matrix, $D$ is a $k \times k$ and $\epsilon \sim N(0, \sigma^2)$. We start by setting up the desired dimensions for the simulated data.

# set dimensions
m = 100
n = 100
x = range(-5, 5, n)
t = range(0, 10, m)

# covariance matrices
ΣU = MaternCorrelation(x, ρ = 3, ν = 3.5, metric = Euclidean())
ΣV = MaternCorrelation(t, ρ = 3, ν = 3.5, metric = Euclidean())

D = [40, 20, 10, 5, 2] # sqrt of eigenvalues
k = 5 # number of basis functions
ϵ = 2 # noise

U, V, Y, Z = GenerateData(ΣU, ΣV, D, k, ϵ, SNR = true)

We can then plot the spatial basis functions

Here is a plot of the spatial basis functions.

Plots.plot(x, U, xlabel = "Space", ylabel = "Value", label = ["U" * string(i) for i in (1:k)'])
Example block output

and temporal basis functions.

Plots.plot(t, V, xlabel = "Time", ylabel = "Value", label = ["V" * string(i) for i in (1:k)'])
Example block output

Last, we can look at the simulated smooth and noisy data.

l = Plots.@layout [a b]
p1 = Plots.contourf(x, t, Y', clim = (-1.05, 1.05).*maximum(abs, Z), title = "Smooth", c = :balance)
p2 = Plots.contourf(x, t, Z', clim = (-1.05, 1.05).*maximum(abs, Z), title = "Noisy", c = :balance)
Plots.plot(p1, p2, layout = l, size = (1000, 400), margin = 5Plots.mm, xlabel = "Space", ylabel = "Time")
Example block output

1-D space and 1-D

To sample from the Bayesian SVD model we use the SampleSVD() function (see ?SampleSVD() for help). This function requires two parameters - data::Data and pars::Pars. The parameter function is easy, is requres the one arguemt data::Data. The data function requires 4 arguments - (1) the data matrix, (2) covariance matrix ΩU::KernelFunction for the U basis matrix, (3) covariance matrix ΩV::KernelFunction for the V basis matrix, and (4) the number of basis functions k.

k = 5
ΩU = MaternCorrelation(x, ρ = 3, ν = 3.5, metric = Euclidean()) # U covariance matrix
ΩV = MaternCorrelation(t, ρ = 3, ν = 3.5, metric = Euclidean()) # V covariance matrix
data = Data(Z, x, t, k) # data structure
pars = Pars(data, ΩU, ΩV) # parameter structure

We are now ready to sample from the model. Note, we recommend show_progress = false when running in a notebook and show_progress = true if you have output print in the REPL. Also, the sampler is slow in the notebooks but considerably faster outside of them.

posterior, pars = SampleSVD(data, pars; nits = 10, burnin = 5, show_progress = false)

Because the basis functions are only identifiable up to the sign, we need to orient them.

trsfrm = ones(k)
for l in 1:k
    if posteriorCoverage(U[:,l], posterior.U[:,l,:], 0.95) > posteriorCoverage(-U[:,l], posterior.U[:,l,:], 0.95)
        trsfrm[l] = -1.0

We can now plot the output of the spatial basis functions

Plots.plot(posterior, x, size = (800, 400), basis = 'U', linewidth = 2, c = [:blue :red :magenta :orange :green], tickfontsize = 14, label = false, title = "U")
Plots.plot!(x, (U' .* trsfrm)', label = false, color = "black", linewidth = 2)


And the temporal basis functions.

Plots.plot(posterior, t, size = (800, 400), basis = 'V',  linewidth = 2, c = [:blue :red :magenta :orange :green], tickfontsize = 14, label = false, title = "V")
Plots.plot!(t, (V' .* trsfrm)', label = false, color = "black", linewidth = 2)


Last, we can look at the difference between the target smooth surface, our estimate, and the algorithmic estimate.

svdZ = svd(Z).U[:,1:k] * diagm(svd(Z).S[1:k]) * svd(Z).V[:,1:k]'
Z_hat = posterior.U_hat * diagm(posterior.D_hat) * posterior.V_hat'
Z_hat_diff = mean([posterior.U[:,:,i] * diagm(posterior.D[:,i]) * posterior.V[:,:,i]' .- Y for i in axes(posterior.U,3)])

lims = (-1.05, 1.05).*maximum(abs, Z)

l = Plots.@layout [a b c; d e f]
p1 = Plots.contourf(t, x, Z_hat, title = "Y Hat", c = :balance, clim = lims)
p2 = Plots.contourf(t, x, Y, title = "Truth", c = :balance, clim = lims)
p3 = Plots.contourf(t, x, svdZ, title = "Algorithm", c = :balance, clim = lims)
p4 = Plots.contourf(t, x, Z_hat .- Y, title = "Y Hat - Truth", c = :balance, clim = (-0.2, 0.2))
p5 = Plots.contourf(t, x, Z, title = "Observed", c = :balance, clim = lims)
p6 = Plots.contourf(t, x, svdZ .- Y, title = "Algorithm - Truth", c = :balance, clim = (-0.2, 0.2))
Plots.plot(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, layout = l, size = (1400, 600))
