
Documentation for BayesianSVD.

Our goal is to sample from the model

$Z = X \beta + UDV' + \epsilon,$

where $Z$ is a n (space) by m (time) matrix, $X \beta$ is the mean of the process where $X$ is a matrix of covariates, $U$ is a $n \times k$ matrix, $V$ is a $m \times k$ matrix, $D$ is a $k \times k$ and $\epsilon \sim N(0, \sigma^2)$. Here, $M = X \beta$ is a fixed effect and $Y = UDV'$ is a random effect.

General Workflow

The model is broken down into two pieces - Data and Pars - which are then passed in as arguments to a sampling function which performs MCMC and returns Posterior.

Setting up the data

To set up the model, we first set up our Data class, which contains subtypes MixedEffectData and RandomEffectData. The difference in the two is RandomEffectData assumes $M \equiv 0$ and is not to be estimated.

To set up a MixedEffectData model, we would use

data = Data(Z, X, rowLocations, columnLocations, numberBasisFunctions)

and To set up a RandomEffectData model, we would use

data = Data(Z, rowLocations, columnLocations, numberBasisFunctions)

where now X is omitted from the function call.

Setting up the parameters

The second thing is to set up the Pars class. This is the same for both the MixedEffectData and RandomEffectData, and requires three arguments: data, the correlation matrix for $U$, and the correlation matrix for $V$. The function Pars() is simply a constructor for the Pars class and will generate $k$ correlation matrices for $U$ and $V$ based on the supplied matrices.

ΩU = MaternCorrelation(x, ρ = 3, ν = 3.5, metric = Euclidean())
ΩV = MaternCorrelation(t, ρ = 3, ν = 3.5, metric = Euclidean())
pars = Pars(data, ΩU, ΩV)


To sample from the model, use the SampleSVD() function, supplying the data and pars as inputs. This will return a structure of class Posterior which has its own properties.

posterior, pars = SampleSVD(data, pars; nits = 1000, burnin = 500)